With the relay output modules RO 041 and RO 051, SIGMATEK introduces two S-DIAS cards for switching galvanically separated current circuits and actuators to the market.
The RO 041 has four relay outputs, each with a normally open contact for a +230 V AC or +24 V DC rated voltage and an allowable continuous current of 6 A per channel. The RO 051, equipped with five changeover contacts, achieves the same continuous current per channel.
Both modules are used for example, to control solenoid valves, pumps, lamps coils and other electrical loads, as well as in building automation to control light or alarm systems.
With the engineering tool LASAL, the RO 041 and RO 051 projects can be comfortably developed. The relay output modules are, as all S-DIAS modules, designed for mounting onto a DIN rail and can be wired without tools. Eplan macros are available for both modules.