The S-DIAS module DM 821 can be used in any application where the detection and testing of differential pressure is required. For example, in vacuum sealing, packaging and induction systems, robotic gripping arms and pressurized cabins.
The combined module is equipped with two pressure inputs and eight digital inputs. The measured differential pressure is sent to the primary control with a 12-bit resolution. Since the conversion time for all channels is 1 ms, the DM 821 is fast. The measurement range is between -1034 and +1034 mbar with a measuring precision of ± 2 percent. The differential pressure can also be measured up to an ambient pressure of 10 Bar. Possible errors or limit violations are indicated via status LEDs.
By measuring directly on the module, the complexity and costs for additional measuring devices and converters, as well as their wiring and the space required in the control cabinet are eliminated.
The DM 821 can be pre-installed in blocks with other S-DIAS modules and mounted on the DIN rail in the control cabinet. As with all SIGMATEK control systems, S-DIAS can also be configured and programmed with the object-oriented Engineering Tool LASAL.