Special Applications

Special Applications

Need for customized solutions

Our customers come from the most varying industries. In addition to classic machine and equipment manufacturing, manufacturers of energy technology systems have also been counted among our customer base for almost 30 years. Several customers are also active in measuring, control and regulation technology. For these industry sectors, we have developed branch-specific products and solutions.


Secure remote access to machines and systems is provided with our Remote Access Platform.

Several innovative products are available to automate your AGVs & AMRs: S-DIAS, the modular automation system in pocket format, offers a variety of modules for AGVs & AMRs.

With the Traffic Control System TCS, AGV-/AMR- fleets can be efficiently managed.
For contour-guided SLAM navigation, SIGMATEK has developed its own real-time localization software: SlamLoc.


Our starter kit SSK 002 provides the perfect entry into the automation world of SIGMATEK: To get to know our modular control system, 3 sets are available.

The RFID 131 RFID reader ensures clear identification in production systems and can be easily integrated into a CAN interface.


We look forward to your inquiry!

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